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Sexual partner saw my skin condition

New here, sorry if this is violating the FAQ rule.

I'm a guy, and my girlfriend and I have sex maybe twice a week. This has been going on for around six months.

Usually I wear a shirt during sex, and just pull my pants down to about halfway, in order to conceal my skin condition (eczema).

My skin is slightly off-colour that cuts off on the hips, neck, and arms, and I often have wounds or at the very least dry skin. She knows I have eczema, but I think she assumed it was mild. I don't make a big deal out of it, even though I'm in constant pain, so she probably thought it wasn't that bad.

A couple days ago, she (for some reason) reached her hand up my shirt during sex, rubbing straight across a wound that has a way different texture. I grimaced and flinched, during which she could see directly up my shirt, and in turn my fucked up body.

I've stopped being as intimate now, and I'm not entirely sure why or what to do. She's not been outwardly disgusted, but her face when she first saw it was kind of demoralising. I just can't bring myself to do it again. She hasn't made any moves either.

Maybe I'm afraid of her making contact with another wound accidentally? Because it hurt like hell when she touched it. I guess I don't want to make her see it again.

It's definitely got something to do with self disgust since I can't even change shirts without being in a dark room and I never open my eyes during showers in case I catch a glimpse of myself.

We've never been super "talkative" about serious shit like this, and my nervousness really makes me not want to bring it up to her. I don't know... What do you guys think? What do I do? Break it off? I really don't think I can continue with someone who knows about my skin, even if I do love her.

Submitted September 10, 2023 at 02:48AM by Cleric_Of_Chaos https://ift.tt/w21OKCu
