
On/off? 👉👈

Husband doesn't want to have sex with me

Daily Sexual Achievement Thread

Sexual partner saw my skin condition

Slept with male bestfriend then cut off all contact

Staying horny feels better than actually climaxing

Has any guy ever heard of putting nuts in your lady?

My GF's[22] vag very painfully squeezed my dick and this is freaking me out.

Is there something wrong with my gf??

Why is the feeling of cumming from masturbating and cumming from having my bf rub my clit feel so different?

Daily Sexual Achievement Thread

Boyfriend bought me anal plugs as a "gift"?

I (38F) bled during sex and he (44M) freaked out

I (M18) just was blown by my best friend (F18) and now I'm lost

I feel disgusting after yesterday night…

Daily Sexual Achievement Thread